September 24, 2015

Top Stitchers Interview with Ali Cat & Co

Welcome to the beginning of my journey for Season 3 of Top Stitchers! After taking an impromptu break from all things sewing I am thrilled to have my "sewjo" back and looking to really jump out and challenge myself and what better place than in Sewing Stadium? As usual, the talented lady behind Top Stitchers is absolutely brilliant and came up with an awesome theme for myself and Brianne of Ali Cat & Co.

Both of us are Top Stitcher veterans: I accepted the challenge for Season 1 and Brianne strutted her stuff for Season 2.This season our prompt is to channel our Spirit Animal and we debut on November 17th. Before we go toe to toe or tail to tail Brianne and I sat down (on Facebook) to get to know each other a little better. After talking to her I am so excited to participate in this challenge with such a fun and talented lady. Brianne is a SUPER BAD bag maker who lives in California with her permanent roommate, 2 offspring and 1 feline and without further adieu here's my interview with Brianne!

Brianne Ali Cat & Co

About Brianne: 

What's your name?
 Brianne Matlage aka Brizee aka B Money

Where do you live? With who? Whom? 
San Marcos, CA with my permanent roommate, 2 offspring, and 1 feline

What’s the craziest (PG) thing you’ve ever done? 
PG! HAHA! Jumped off a 20 foot rock into a river BEFORE checking there were rocks submerged beneath me.
What would your best friend say is your personality strength? 
 My independence.  I can do everything myself.

What are 3 interesting factoids about yourself?
1.  I was born with an ear deformity.  I was made fun of a lot when I was little for my alien ear.  Because of that, I would never wear my hair up.  Glasses sat crooked on my face.  It was a stab to my self-confidence.  When I was 24, I finally had the opportunity to have it corrected. It was a long procedure and fairly painful.  But now I'll wear those ponies without fear of ridicule. I'm a real girl! 

2.  I graduated from University of Texas at 19.  I will say there is no reason for such a young person to be in the 'real world' before you can legally drink.

3. I am a cereal connoisseur.  The two best cereals are Ohs and Target's brand Archer Farms Blueberry granola.

How long have you been sewing and why did you start sewing?   
About 5 years.  I started sewing right after my oldest daughter was born.  I wanted to make her pretty things.  Now I only want to make myself pretty things!

What are currently sewing on?
I have 4 sewing machines.  Janome Magnolia 7318 (now my daughters machine), Janome MC 8200, Brother 1034D serger, and Brother PE 770 embroidery machine.
I am currently working on FMA and a new Elsa dress for my daughter to attend a Princess Tea Party.

Do you have other hobbies?  Where does it (do they) rank compared to sewing?
I love to read. I enjoy being in an alter reality full of murder, mystery, and magic.  Crafty wise-I like paint by numbers!  Both fall behind sewing.

Why did you join Top Stitchers?
Because Becca asked and I can't say no to a fabulous friendly competition.
Our prompt is to pick an animal that you feel you represent.  How do you feel about this theme?
I love animals, so I'm quite excited.  I already have my game plan on.

What IS your favorite animal?! Any and all cats

What is your LEAST favorite material to sew with and why? Stretch pleather.  Never again.

What is the worst thing you’ve ever made? One of those ribbon shoulder tie tops for my daughter.  Yuck. Newbie mistake.

 What’s your favorite thing to sew? Accessories.  They are one size fits all.

Where can we follow your awesome work?
Instagram: Alicatco

Well, there you have it. Be sure to check out Brianne's blog and follow her on Instagram. See you in Sewing Stadium!!